Sunday 23 March 2014

jb trip

The usual manicure session (for the girls!) while the guys get their worth of massages and then rounding it all off with seafood zichar at Taman Sentosa.
Blissful day trip to our neighbour. 

Saturday 22 March 2014

late night thoughts

"And love of course. But love isn’t able to hold a relationship together on its own. 
That’s unfortunately what everyone seems to believe."

So right. READ entire article here

Monday 17 March 2014

random musing/whining/complaint

This poor space has been neglected for the longest time. But it had been such a chaotic and straining semester, the constant "last sem last sem last sem" thought is not very useful. Having a deadline every single weeks means HUGE eyebags, dehydration and zombie mode on every single morning. It has really been quite a semester and I cant wait for it to end. I have zero social life now, it's so SAD.

My dear friends, you have not been forgotten! :(

4 weeks more to freedom, 5 weeks more to paradise.

We can do this! For those who are also having a hell of a semester,