Tuesday 31 May 2011

Went for driving today, like finally. Stopped for like a month alr. =P Forth lesson today only. Hah.

And today we drove very far away. She let me drive up to 45 and we reached gear 3 finally. WOHOO! =))

Met ced after tat at tamp n changed our bank card to dbs platinum black. super cool! =)) Much nicer than the posb go card. But it's funny how we both signed wrongly cos we didnt practise signing beforehand. LOL! But nvm la. can go update signature some other time. =X


Just ate e black bread, cos im really hungry n there isnt anything else to eat at home. Well... It looks real black but it tasted like any normal white bread. Stronger butter taste than normal bread but other than that it's fine. If you taste anything funny, it's probably psychological. Hah.

Okay.. im gg to brush my teeth and hit e sack alr. Driving lsn tmr afternoon~

Monday 30 May 2011


Went on a little expo tour with ced n wen today. Super crowded and bustling with life with all the many many fairs happening all together. Food fair, john little fair, popular fair...

Started the day with food fair since that was our initial plan. Aim of the day was to say hi to ced's fren who's the son of the bbt shop owner, right at e door. If u're thinking that we got a free drink each which is quite logical, then NO, we didnt. Emo. Haha. It's a super big cup and i swear i could drink for e whole day. Wasnt awful, wasnt fantastic... So-so.

Then we toured around, didnt really eat/buy much, but we did bring away with us ALOT of SMELL when we left.

Next stop, jl sales. In case you live in a moutain, or refuse to be seen at e expo with all the aunties, jl sales is the best time/place to get cosmetics and all e ding ding dong dong stuff for ur face! Seriously. Slightly auntyish behavior but i do admit shopping at jl. hahaha. And ced finally got enlightened today he went on a mad insane shopping spree which got wen n me dumbfounded. His shopping habits r damn peculiar and we wonder how his future gf can stand him next time. Btw, he wants a gf with eye bag but without eye ring. Unique taste. LOL!

Train-ed to airport n bus-ed home since it's much faster and less crowded. 3 stops and ta-dah! We're home! Btw it's super nice to go shopping with ced cos he i bought 2 bottles of shower foam which weigh a ton, some moisturizer n cute little socks for baby kiki, all carried by him. =X So nice right. hahaha

snap a pic of kiki before i left house. she looks perplexed. lol!
anw she's so chubby now i call her fatty. heehee

Sunday 29 May 2011

i love museums!

Today is IMD-international museum day! How cool's that. So i decided to date my bf and obviously we went to visit a museum. Haha. Damn random i know. It was supposed to be a surprise, kind of. But being a very lv chi person, i had to show bf the map and bring us there. Kind of demeans the purpose of a surprise. =X

Oh! Did i mention we went to singapore philatelic museum. It's like damn fun! Maybe cos it's my first time there. Plus in conjucture with IMD, there's a lot of children activities gg on which we joined in too. Heehee. Did colouring, collecting all the chops stationed all round the museum, and all the kiddish stuff. =P

Best museum ever! =D

this wall poster looks quite real. haha

And bcos we didnt manage to catch kungfu panda2 on friday, bf was super insistent to catch it today before he books in. So we got tickets and had to make do with a super rushed n chop chop dinner.

The movie was really short, like shorter than expected. Watched the 3D version and it's not to bad. You can see the tau sar piah flying towards you. Lol. Im not exactly a fan of 3d movies, cos the ends of e glasses will jut out and when i lean my head against my seat, the glasses will fall off. So annoying.

Went home with bf so that he can get his stuff to book in and that his mum offered me this really REALLY BLACK bread. I thought it was like a toys or something but apparently it's REAL bread, Haven eaten it yet, shall try it soon. =X

Anw bf went msia with his family ytd n he bought me nail polish. so nice! i got nice colour to paint alr =)

Saturday 28 May 2011

on cloud 9. literally

Bf dated me out today, n we went to pl airbase for the open house which supposedly is for the internal ppl. But apparently u can just walk in cos they dun check. lol.

It was quite crowded to me but bf said that it's quite empty. Reached e bus stop at abt 11.10am n bf said that we missed the ariel display. In my mind i was like area display also wont move, how to miss? And then we got to the place n i finally got it. ARIEL. It's like a short demo of the the flying aircraft in the sky, much like an air show.

Highlight of the day-Took a plane ride without passport today! =D

Was walking around, hanging around while waiting to "check-in", and then we spotted this tcher from our sec school. Of cos out of courtesy we said hi but i was damn shocked tat she knew who i was cos apparently, she has taught neither of us. LOL. Imagine e awkwardness. But somehow we did manage to get by, for like 2hours odd?! And then suddenly she posed a qn n asked if we were together. Without thinking, i said yes. As soon as those words shot out of my mouth, i was slightly embarrassed. I accidentally misunderstood her qn as r u together, as in come to the open house together. Although it's true tat we're together, but i think it made me sounded possessive. Gosh. Must be the lack of slp. =/

Took fokker50, the military plane. Honestly speaking i've nv heard of it but i guess all military guys will go like oooh... when they see e sentence. Who cares. All military planes are non-air-conditioned except perhaps fokker 50. Actually it looks exactly like any commercial plane except that it's a tad smaller. Didnt really have the wow-i-took-a-military-plane feeling but still... i love plane rides. =))

Hang around a little while later, met ced who's there with his fren, watched the air/land show and then left e place feeling sticky n smelly.

I think we're a little out of mind but we still decided to head town despite it being like 5pm alr. =X Wanted to catch kungfu panda2 but being a friday night, the tickets went out like real fast and had to make do with ulu shows like dylan dog. I find the show... CUTE. haha. The graphics and makeups look slightly budget-ish but quite like the story. Perhaps a little more depth would be good.


only 2 pic cos it takes forever to upload e rest. =X

Friday 27 May 2011

rise n shine!

i think im such a nice galfwen. *blinks blinks*

slp at 4-ish am yet
crawled out of bed at 8-ish am
to have breakfast with my bfwen at 9-ish am.




My bf's gg to date me tmr.

We're meeting at 9am, meaning i nid to wake up at 730am.

Problem is...

i can only slp at 4am according to my body clock now,

which means...

i can only slp for 3.5hours.

Somebody pls wake me up =/

Thursday 26 May 2011

Wednesday 25 May 2011


I think I'm a super gd gal. =D

Helped my mummy to sweep n mopped e whole house before I left house today.

Then met yz for dinner at e airport. Actually I think e airport is a damn cool place to chill n relax. There's alot of cafes n restaurants (bars as well). So happening. Plus it's only 3 stops away from my house. Haha. Both of us went to take passport size photo at e self serve kiosk before having our dinner. My first time. It was damn hilarious! But a gd place to take cos no weird ppl walking by/staring.

Had dinner at tcc. The food was not too bad, portion just right plus e service was excellent! Thanks yz for e treat! =x

Anw super duper coincidental. Bumped into my 3 ex teachers there. Slightly awkward cos I'm super shou with e other 2 while e third one is my ex higher chinese tcher whom I seriously cnt change with. So after much deliberation, I decided not to walk over to make small chats. Hah

Did a little grocery shopping before heading home together. So nice to get out of e house once in a while. Hah. Cos I'm usually super lazy to go out =p

bread pudding
penne mama mia. lol

Monday 23 May 2011

Im a blur sotong today. Was on my way to driving lesson, reached tamp int, n realised i didnt bring my wallet. -.- This means i have zero dollars to top up my dying ezlink card, zero dollars to pay for my driving lsn, n worst still, no pdl n aunty wont let me drive. -.-

Hence, with the pathetic amt of money in my ezlink card that flash amber when scanned,

i made my way home.

What a day!

Sunday 22 May 2011

happy bday to me.

Hi people! Im officially a new member of the BIG 2-0 Club. Fortunately, some of the people im spending time with today are already part of the club. =X

My bday morning started with me crawling out of bed and trying to pry my eyes open. N then took a bus to tamp mart to meet bf for mac breakfast. Had my fave big breakfast! But service there totally SUCKS TTM! Firstly they got e order wrongly, secondly, they didnt give margarine/fork/knife, and harshbrown were DUPER SALTY. Like =S

And then we caught PIRATES 5 in the afternoon. It's such a blockbuster and everyone's trying to catch it, making it super hard to get tickets. But bf very kindly booked the tickets online. =X His first online purchase. More to come i hope. Heehee. Shall teach him how blogshops work. =XX

The show was alright, slight draggyness in the middle, prefer the previous gal-cant rmb her name, but overall, not that bad. This is prolly the last sequel i guess.

Got out of the theatre n spotted wen, ced n sy. N e funny thing was, they said "eh we not ready yet, meet u later." Super hilarious scene. Finally met at kbox and had our very first kbox session in this combi. =)) Initial awkwardness slowly worn off n we started to get quite comfortable, though at some point of time we'll still nid a little help from the audio. Haha!

Really love the bag they bought! Wanted to get a new bag for myself quite some time ago alr. So it's really timely! N usually i wldnt trust ced's taste, given his really peculiar taste in things. Haha. But really, the bag's really pretty. But what i love most is the "card". It's like the scene in pirates. All their well wishes were rolled up like parchment and contained in this fiji mineral water. So atas! Fiji is EXPENSIVE mineral water okay! Haha!

N thanks jx for e cosmetic! Super ideal for a vainpot like me. Now i have all sorts of eyeliner-gel,pencil, ink, in various brands. Shall go master e skill of ink ones. =X

Thanks uncle n ah yi for the pretty red leather pouch/clutch from furla. Me love red. =))

Thanks fel mav scott choo for the pretty slippers! Haven had my own proper slippers for a long time.

Thanks my 2 cousins for the skin nourishment from bodyshop. May i have QQ-baby-pancake-like skin =)

Thanks bf for everything =)

Thanks everyone for their well wishes. Feel so thankful, grateful, loved.

Life sucks but friends and family tides me through the worst thunderstorms and keeps me sane amidst the madness in life.


Being 20 means taking a big leapt into the adult world, making life decisions by yourself, and putting ur future in ur own hands. I really dunno if im ready for this, but i know i'll learn to take things as it comes.

I dunno how far i'll go, but i hope i'll go far.