this place has been quite dead for a while i guess.
either bcos i haven had time to use e comp
or that my sis is using.
e last post was like exactly one wk ago.
so mani things to say
but i'll jus highlight a few
due to constrain of time. ha.
went for ito watch last sat
cos my sis was performing
so we had tickets.
n it was super super crowded.
like sardines in a tin can.
e bag this yr is hmmm..... abstract.
cheerleading was quite cool
though it was onli like few minutes long.
kind of spotted my sis i think
from that far-away lousy seat i had.
jus a reminder:
dun ever go city hall or wear red on sat.
some pics..
pretty image made by the planes
FIREWORKS! so pretty.
hancock plan on tue was cancelled
due to supposedly interview session at far east.
interview session was cancelled
due to interviewee being sick/unwell
switched back to hancock plan but was cancelled
due to super tiredness after bio pract.
so in e end.- no hancock.
anyway. there's lots of new movies this wk.
wkend's coming in like one day.
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