Sunday 20 February 2011

My big sis is officially mrs pan now. Hahaha. Attended sis's solemnization which was held at wanderlust hotel. Love the interior. Damn cool. Very arty feel, n quiet cos it's a very small hotel. It was a cosy ceremony with just both sides of the family. A short and sweet session, maybe ten mins, but it was so heart-warming to witness. Gives me the urge to want to get married too. When will i find my prince charming?

I've figured out that humans are such greedy beings, nv contented with what they have. Or maybe it's just me. Having a sense of imbalance these days, seeing my sisS indulging in bliss and love i start to get a little green with envy. It's definitely not that im not loved, i know for sure, but i'll subconsciously make comparisons and wished he did abit more. Every so often i cant help but wonder if guys are simply nonchalant or they seriously are an oblivious lot. It really irks me at times when they behave so out of the situation. *sigh* It's really so hard to keep faith during times like that. But i guess that's part n parcel of life, either you throw in the sponge or just get over it. But i guess what i really need to do is to be contented, to not have expectations, and to learn to forget.

It's the game of love-me-more-n-u-lose.

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