Monday 17 September 2012

resident's evil

Mega monday blues today especially since the past wkend went horrible. It's just not how it's supposed to be, in fact it's far from what i've imagined. I guess we cant always have things our way. That's life. But having said that, i swear i was so so so close to pulling the plug. I'm not sure if days,months, or even years from now, i'll look back n wished that i made a different decision...

On a lighter note, i managed to catch resident's evil on fri night. GROSS! Referring to the zombies that is. It's so annoying how they pop out from nowhere and gives you a sudden adrenaline pump every now with their sudden appearance and coupled with the shark-approaching kind of music effect.
But the lead actress is just really HOT, crudely put it. I have a thing for athletic girls, probably because we just like to have things we can't, and i can never ever be a healthy, sun-kissed, lean, sporty girl. Lol. The plot is kind of -.- and i'm quite sure it's not as good as the previous sequels. But i must really compliment abt the scientific effects- they were so so good