Monday 11 February 2013


Unlike most people, having parents who has much more seniority than their siblings meant that their kids have the luxury of sleeping in till afternoon when relatives come over to visit. Personally, i woke up at 11+am, when my parents threatened that my unglam-ness would be exposed if I refuse to wake up any later. Lucky me, when most people barely had enough sleep after supposed 守岁。

But then again, it's really quite bored to be hanging around at home. But the irony is, it's even more awkward when people comes over. People u're not so close to. It's like going out to greet them and get ur red packets and then the awkwardness begin. Are you supposed to make small talks and act 熟 or what? It's much easier if they have kids, so you can divert all the attention to them and go goo goo ga ga about how cute they are. Naturally, me choose the alternative- retreating back to my room where my laptop is. But i did the most loser-ish thing. I started to do my public relations essay. That shows how desperate i am. Ha. But then again, that barely lasted more than three sentences. 

Cousins gradually came over and got a lot more entertained and did all the normal things- catching up, setting up mini gambling den, watch dvd and a lot of drinkin (soft drinks. me still juvenile) and eating (junk food n more junk food). 
Oh, i did walk over to my old hse area where my 姑姑 stays to 拜年too. She cooks the best food in the world- guo hiong, tauhu goreng, curry, pizza, u name it, she can cook it! Totally ate a lot at her place despite having dinner already.

 Cousins in the hse- YO
including toddler cousins.

And then havoc at night after all the mess in my house. 
Headed over to joel's place cos gf denied us entry. Haha.
More eating, talking, drinking (non gasy drinks finally!), playing cards yet again