Monday 20 May 2013

birdy date

Well, it was supposed to be my 'birthday' since e boy was having reservists and couldnt plan a decent date for me. Just judging from our attire, it probably looks like an indoor day and we expected so. But the thought of shopping around town, there's really nothing exciting or special like that. Plus since we could get a lift to the other side of spore, why not? So we caught a lift from fatty's parents and went Jurong Bird Park!

The first time in my entire life. Yes, FIRST! Because I really hate birds. Their unpredictability to drop golds from the sky while on the move. Tsk. But it's 1-for-1! A real steal!

Cant possibly miss the usual bird shows. Wasn't that crowded despite it being a public holiday. Prolly because it rained in the morning. The ground was a little wet still when we were there.

Birds and MORE birds. No zoom at all! It's that close-up.

loving the walls!

This OCD swan that couldn't stop cleaning itself the entire time I was looking at it. Actually, all the swans were cleaning themselves! #nozoom. 

love flamingos! they give off such a flamboyant vibe, 
But they kind of stink =/

milk moustache!

waterfall! I almost thght i was in msia.

Ended the day with dinner @Ikea!

-Birdy Day-