Tuesday 23 April 2013


It's holidays! Of cos it means catching up on series online and try to finish them in as few days as possible. But internet was super not co-operative today and it's such a nuisance! Imagine trying to catch your drama but it means waiting for 10 second after every 2 second you've watched. That is nuts and it drives me crazy. It was equally ytd I totally gave up after 15 minutes. But today it's not working properly either. So bad, I had to go to the living room just so that I could tap on my neighbour's network. Despite the distance, it was tons faster. (btw we have a really amicable with my neighbour!). Since her network is working, it probably means that it's the network in the block that is causing it. But then again, we are really sure that the bill was paid already.

So in a fit of frustration, we decided to call StarHub CS at almost midnight (they work 24/7). The call got through after a short wait and we were served by a man. Well he did give some good instructions on how to find out your internet speed though.

You can check out your internet speed @

Just do it a few times to find out the average and then go tally it with the speed that your plan promises you. So now you know whether you've been short-changed!

Good tip! But eventually he didn't give no head or tail about what's causing the slow internet speed. But nevertheless, after the call, the internet worked. Hmmm... Who knows?!