Monday 16 May 2011

lazzZzZzy sunday..

Left house this afternoon, and the first thing that caught my eyes had my adrenaline rushing to every part of my body. You wouldnt have guessed who i saw! My ex discipline master and his daughter were waiting for cab across the road, and the whole time he was looking at me. Talking to him would be damn awkward so i abandon my usual practice of jaywalking and took the long way to siam him. =X Btw i know his son and his wife is a pe teacher in my primary school. The world is damn small, complicated, and intertwined. =/

Was at the train platform when i met timwei with the gf! =O Not that i haven met her, but just trying to act excited. Haha. You know sometimes you can be damn close to this person but when u meet them outside by coincidence, there's this slight awkwardness. Yup, that's right. So faster siam after some casual talk. =X

Went walk-walk as usual-to dhoby, hoping that there'll be some nice movie screening. Obviously that is not to be. After shopping the whole of plaza sing, we decided to go vivo since we haven been there for a long time. Anw cotton on kids is DAMN CUTE!

We had pastamania for dinner and the service was .... hmm... spooky. LOL! Ordering food took ages but the moment you've paid and return to your seats, the food was served PROMPTLY. We decided to time this other person as well, n her food came less than 7 min after she returned to her seats. Amazing! =O

Kind of overestimated our appetite we had to take away our 10" pizza. =X Took a walk at the boardawalk to sentosa to aid some digestion. It was real PRETTY. The lights were twinkling like stars for real. But looking at all the lights, im pretty sure the electricity bill every month amounts to thousands of dollar. =O It's a 742m walk, if i nv rmb wrongly, admission to Sentosa is 1 buck. Along the way there is a lot of places to sit down and chill, nice place for picnic and there's a pretty cool place for beer alongside. Ditch the tram the next time you're gg to Sentosa, it's not really that long a walk in. =))

Anw alighted from the bus and met this sec school fren.

Wow. meeting so many people in a day =OO

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