Tuesday 3 May 2011

bbq in e house on mayday =)

Singapore is such a boring place... There's like no where to go, especially when there's no nice movies showing now and we're both not in the mood for shopping. Ended up at expo. Just for a change of environment from the usual town, city, bugis, tampines and downtown. Metro sale was insane. Was quite tempted to get myself new pillow and bolster since there's someone to carry home for me (wont so ps on e bus =X), but the crowd was making me @.@. Went to grab a bite at the dim sum place. Not very nice but edible i guess... before making our way to my uncle's place for bbq with my mum's side peeps. I know im really bad with directions but my bf just had to tell my dad abt it. -.-. Food was yumyum but i dun like my uncle leeching. Leech as in, "eh there got any fish/otah/chicken wing/sweet potato cooked, can pass here?" Like seriously... We haven eaten a single bite. Slightly annoying but still must flash pr smile. But it's nice meeting my cousins and tiny cousins. Tiny cousins are super super cooperative when you're just feeling lazy to walk even an inch, cos they're always so willingly to help you run an errand (get serviettes/drinks/fork/chopsticks). =)) So adorable. But i have a beer-a-holic uncle, who drinks for the fun of it of cos, but likes to guan all cousins including my bf beer. I think bf had like 3 cans, i had half a can only lest i scare everybody off with my bloodshot eyes. lol. Was hoping to get a ride home from my uncle cos my parents left first but that was not to be. Ended by taking sbs bus home with my sis n her bf, like double date liddat. lol.
anw really love my cousin's hse. got private pool. i also want....

slpy eyes. hahaha

fatty jiayi. lol

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