Saturday 28 May 2011

on cloud 9. literally

Bf dated me out today, n we went to pl airbase for the open house which supposedly is for the internal ppl. But apparently u can just walk in cos they dun check. lol.

It was quite crowded to me but bf said that it's quite empty. Reached e bus stop at abt 11.10am n bf said that we missed the ariel display. In my mind i was like area display also wont move, how to miss? And then we got to the place n i finally got it. ARIEL. It's like a short demo of the the flying aircraft in the sky, much like an air show.

Highlight of the day-Took a plane ride without passport today! =D

Was walking around, hanging around while waiting to "check-in", and then we spotted this tcher from our sec school. Of cos out of courtesy we said hi but i was damn shocked tat she knew who i was cos apparently, she has taught neither of us. LOL. Imagine e awkwardness. But somehow we did manage to get by, for like 2hours odd?! And then suddenly she posed a qn n asked if we were together. Without thinking, i said yes. As soon as those words shot out of my mouth, i was slightly embarrassed. I accidentally misunderstood her qn as r u together, as in come to the open house together. Although it's true tat we're together, but i think it made me sounded possessive. Gosh. Must be the lack of slp. =/

Took fokker50, the military plane. Honestly speaking i've nv heard of it but i guess all military guys will go like oooh... when they see e sentence. Who cares. All military planes are non-air-conditioned except perhaps fokker 50. Actually it looks exactly like any commercial plane except that it's a tad smaller. Didnt really have the wow-i-took-a-military-plane feeling but still... i love plane rides. =))

Hang around a little while later, met ced who's there with his fren, watched the air/land show and then left e place feeling sticky n smelly.

I think we're a little out of mind but we still decided to head town despite it being like 5pm alr. =X Wanted to catch kungfu panda2 but being a friday night, the tickets went out like real fast and had to make do with ulu shows like dylan dog. I find the show... CUTE. haha. The graphics and makeups look slightly budget-ish but quite like the story. Perhaps a little more depth would be good.


only 2 pic cos it takes forever to upload e rest. =X

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