Sunday 29 May 2011

i love museums!

Today is IMD-international museum day! How cool's that. So i decided to date my bf and obviously we went to visit a museum. Haha. Damn random i know. It was supposed to be a surprise, kind of. But being a very lv chi person, i had to show bf the map and bring us there. Kind of demeans the purpose of a surprise. =X

Oh! Did i mention we went to singapore philatelic museum. It's like damn fun! Maybe cos it's my first time there. Plus in conjucture with IMD, there's a lot of children activities gg on which we joined in too. Heehee. Did colouring, collecting all the chops stationed all round the museum, and all the kiddish stuff. =P

Best museum ever! =D

this wall poster looks quite real. haha

And bcos we didnt manage to catch kungfu panda2 on friday, bf was super insistent to catch it today before he books in. So we got tickets and had to make do with a super rushed n chop chop dinner.

The movie was really short, like shorter than expected. Watched the 3D version and it's not to bad. You can see the tau sar piah flying towards you. Lol. Im not exactly a fan of 3d movies, cos the ends of e glasses will jut out and when i lean my head against my seat, the glasses will fall off. So annoying.

Went home with bf so that he can get his stuff to book in and that his mum offered me this really REALLY BLACK bread. I thought it was like a toys or something but apparently it's REAL bread, Haven eaten it yet, shall try it soon. =X

Anw bf went msia with his family ytd n he bought me nail polish. so nice! i got nice colour to paint alr =)

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