Sunday 15 May 2011

drifting wood

Today was an awesome saturday. Haven taken time to meet them for such a long long time, especially s. I guess we are both equally free now. =X

Met felicia today after lunch and went flb together. Been ages since we been on a flea shopping together, which makes this our first flea of the year! =) All the booths seem pretty potential-rish, but seriously the crowd is too much to handle. Getting past waves of people is irksome enough, what more to browse through the clothing. Ended up with one buy for e day-a top, which i guess is pretty much a feat already. So yay! =D And on our way out, the damn nice shuttle bus uncle gave us a lift to city hall station. So nice...

Then met scott for dinner together. We had just acia, which i haven eaten for a damn long time. Food's so so but at least we get to chill with drinks and ice cream. =)) Scott's getting buffer but flabbier at e same time. lol. N he finally rid his awkward smile in pictures. =DD

We then went to shop for my birthday present. Yup, my present, with me around. Haha. Fel decided to shed her burden of thinking what to get for me by asking me what i need. So well, we ended up with slippers. Since i hardly wear slippers out, i dun have a proper slippers of which to call my own. Love my present! *wide grin* At least i know i'll have one present i love. Thanks guys!

Anw i realise my face is getting rounder. Time to workout! =( Pls date me out to exercise. Pretty pls...

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