Wednesday 4 May 2011

rain rain go away

i have no idea what rotten luck i have. =(
Was on my way for driving lesson and the sky was so cloudy today. But just as i approach the car, it started drizzling. Like seriously?! Te rain droplets got bigger and bigger as the lesson proceeded. Thought i could like drive up to gear 3 gear 4 but that was not to be. I was stuck at gear 2 and driving aunty insisted i drive REALLY SLOWLY. Emo.. 1.5h lesson became 1h lesson cos road conditions were simply too bad. At least aunty complimented me after e lesson. Oh well. But the worst part was the journey home. You shld know how roads at ubin are like- bumpy and uneven. This means that water are like almost ankle deep EVERYWHERE. No where to siam at all. So by time i got to the bus stop, i was drenched to the skin and my shoes were soaking wet. I even had to take off my shoes to pour out the water inside. That's how bad it is. And i watched the news just now, it said that the amt of rain in that hr is equivalent to that of a month's amt. wth. Anw, i think my driving lessons are quite well evened out. Had tried night driving, tea time driving and wet driving, gg to have morning driving next week. =)

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