Monday 9 May 2011

mjco syf '11

Impromptu decision to go to S.C.H to support co juniors but we still went okayy. Didnt do much but it's the thought that counts. And there werent much that we can do either. So just LISTEN.

Theirs were the am session which ended at about 1 and the results session was at 430pm, which gives us plenty of time to rot and hang around. Wanted to find a nice air-conditioned place for lunch but everywhere was so flooded with OLs and OGs. So we walked and walked and walked, all the way to raffles before we found a place with relatively less crowd. Had mos burger. Yum... And ced introduced us to something called the moschicken which he claimed was supposed to be their speciality. But seriously wen n i had nv heard of. LOL.

After that there was still alot of time to rot so we head to this place called WAKA bubbletea shop to chill somemore. Well, service was excellent! Drink was hmmm. not terrible but how should i put it... Choose more conservation combi and you'll have a good drink. =)

On the way back, we passed by this tiny gallery to introduce the old face of the area. Ced took pic with this model which non of us wanted to. LOL

Went back for result show and guess what. We didnt have tickets for the session. @#$%$% But oh well, in the end there were 2 but being very nice but stupid we let some heartless ppl get it. Waited for the results outside but good thing it was still quite clear. Oh ya. N we met the ex teacher in charge of co. The most omg thing is- he still rmb us! =O But still quite leng chang so faster siam. haha.

Results were quite unexpected for some but i guess life is that unexpected. Hah. It's really the experience that's important. But i do think that the juniors did much better than we did 2 years ago and that's enough to know. Good jobs people, back to mugging.

Went to ntuc at my neighbourhood before heading home. Super taken aback by ced. LOL! Bet he spent half his salary on food. Hahaha. Damn hiong when he threw stuff into the basket. Only 2 of the cup noodle's mine, the rest, HIS! Even the aunty behind him was apalled. HAHAHA.

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