Monday 30 May 2011


Went on a little expo tour with ced n wen today. Super crowded and bustling with life with all the many many fairs happening all together. Food fair, john little fair, popular fair...

Started the day with food fair since that was our initial plan. Aim of the day was to say hi to ced's fren who's the son of the bbt shop owner, right at e door. If u're thinking that we got a free drink each which is quite logical, then NO, we didnt. Emo. Haha. It's a super big cup and i swear i could drink for e whole day. Wasnt awful, wasnt fantastic... So-so.

Then we toured around, didnt really eat/buy much, but we did bring away with us ALOT of SMELL when we left.

Next stop, jl sales. In case you live in a moutain, or refuse to be seen at e expo with all the aunties, jl sales is the best time/place to get cosmetics and all e ding ding dong dong stuff for ur face! Seriously. Slightly auntyish behavior but i do admit shopping at jl. hahaha. And ced finally got enlightened today he went on a mad insane shopping spree which got wen n me dumbfounded. His shopping habits r damn peculiar and we wonder how his future gf can stand him next time. Btw, he wants a gf with eye bag but without eye ring. Unique taste. LOL!

Train-ed to airport n bus-ed home since it's much faster and less crowded. 3 stops and ta-dah! We're home! Btw it's super nice to go shopping with ced cos he i bought 2 bottles of shower foam which weigh a ton, some moisturizer n cute little socks for baby kiki, all carried by him. =X So nice right. hahaha

snap a pic of kiki before i left house. she looks perplexed. lol!
anw she's so chubby now i call her fatty. heehee

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