Sunday 8 May 2011


Finally survived through the wkdays to get to saturday. TGIS!

Initial plan was to go exercise or do whatever outdoor activities, but the weather's INSANE. Eventually we concluded that we should head to somewhere fully air-conditioned. Having said that, we went to somewhere with ALOT of malls- town. Still no nice movies to watch so we just walk around and poor him have to watch me shop. Lots of sales everywhere but quite sucky though. Those things on sale are cheap but only big sizes are left. So what's the point. Our legs got tired and we ended up at old town. Love white coffee but i dunno why their's so gao. =x

It's a saturday but bf's phone rang nonstop, seriously NONSTOP. It gets quite frustrating eventually. TSK TSK. If u think it's easy to have an officer bf, try it urself. lol. Blame it on his bad luck or whatsoever, it's still his job, so shall try to learn with it.

Went home to watch elections at night. The feeling's like watching world cup live. LOL. The whole house was awake even till like e wee hours. And watching the damn epic yummy reading e results. hahaha. Shall not post any political views here. =X

on e phone with irritated face. mine's too.
resort to self entertainment.
act shy.

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